October 16, 2008

Homecoming 2008

Here are Becky and Jimmy before the Homecoming dance. Instead of having the kids go to 2 places to get pictures, we all gathered at my parent's house. It was alot easier and we had alot more room. They were really cute! After all the pictures were taken, they met a few friends and went to the Oasis for dinner. I loaned Jimmy's parent's my camera so there would be pictures at dinner.

Here is the lovely couple standing in the "famous spot" where Tara and I always had our pictures taken for Homecoming and Prom. Oh what memories...I'm pretty sure they had a good time. Afterwards, Jimmy's Dad brought the kids back to my house (John was working). They visited for about 1/2 hr and let us know how everything went.

Here is the crew at dinner. Looks like they all had a fun time. There's Corinna, Taylor, Taylor, Tessa, Jimmy, and Becky.

Awww, here is the happy couple dancing. Don't they look cute. Yes, I was a "Mama-razzi" and took pictures at the dance. One thing I regret is not bringing the camera home with me after I was done getting my pictures. I left it with Becky and I think she paid more attention to taking pictures than her date. Next time I'll know better, and just stay longer (mwa-ha-ha-ha).

October 11, 2008

Stephen's Bowling Party

Stephen's 8th birthday party was at a bowling alley in Pendleton. Madison, Becky, Catie and Cole came to play.

John was there to instruct Stephen on how to have the ball go down the lane.

After a couple of games, we went into the party room and had Ice Cream cake and open presents. Stephen got a fun new bike.

Best buds!!