January 2, 2013

Don't Stop Believin'!

This is my new mantra for 2013! Found this sign on the back side of ShopKo in Walla Walla and had my daughter take a picture of me beside it. I know...I know and yes...I am a Glee-k. I love Glee and that '80's group Journey. No matter what happens, don't stop believin'!

Changes are coming to our family in the next couple of months with trials and challenges along the way. God is there and we just need to remember to lean on Him and don't stop believin'. It's nothing bad, just some things happening with work that will be more challenging for the next couple of months while we adjust to a new schedule, being really busy with activities and losing sleep over call outs and such for hubby.

I'm so blessed to have a strong relationship with my husband. If it wasn't for that, I'm not sure how we would get through some things. He is just an amazing man who surprised me daily and is very supportive of whatever adventures I fall into. Most people don't see the "other side" of him because they see him in a professional setting.

Don't stop believin' because you CAN do anything you put your mind to.


Lisa said...

WOW - girl! :) You so INSPIRE me! :) I just might start a blog (mayyyyybeee).

Keep spreadin' the wonderful positive attitude! ;) it is contagious clear over to the The Dalles!!


Lindsay said...

What a GREAT find! And great motto to live by too! Cheering you on as you tackle each day with a smile~