December 28, 2008

Christmas Vacation & Chicken Pox

Just wanted to let all of you know that I have not fallen off the face of the earth. We've been enjoying snow, blowing snow, decorating for Christmas, celebrating Christmas and chicken pox.

The snow fell and closed school for the kids on Thurs & Fri before Christmas break, so they've had an extended break.

Here's Catie's vacation story...She started feeling sick Monday Dec 22 by feeling achy, dizzy, and a fever. She slept in her room that night. Dec 23, she was okay during the day, but her fever spiked to 102.5 degrees F and there were a few curious spots on her arm that evening, she took some advil and slept on the couch. Her fever broke (thank goodness). John and I decided to call the doctor the next day. Christmas the dr at 8am and they want her there at 9:15am - we had to rush and get all of us ready because the kids had a few things to pick up for each other - we made it by 9am and they wanted Catie to walk through the back door. Well - she was diagnosed with Chicken Pox and the dr said to get some anti-itch lotion, benedryl, but not to use the topical benedryl and the benedryl pill at the same time. Unfortunately the dr said she couldn't go shopping either (um we only went to 1 store and she was only in there for 5 minutes to pick out PJ's for Stephen and me). Her 3 most miserable days were the 24, 25, & 26th where she was itchy and didn't get much sleep. John had read up on some anti-itch remedies and we tried them all. The best thing that helped was mixing baking soda and water together, sticking it in the refrigerator and applying to the spots when needed. The next best thing was 2 cups of oatmeal in one of my old trouser socks and putting it in a bath with her in it. She actually got 3 hours of sleep after that. We did Benedryl too, but not at the same time as the anti-itch lotion. John has been working grave shift and will be changing to days in I was VERY thankful his days off happened when she was itching the most. I took care of her during the day and he took care of her at night - God knew (thank you Lord!!). Now it's Dec 28th, she mostly back to herself. I'm still trying to take pictures of her spots, but every time I mention it she yeowls Noooo!!!

FYI: Even if your child has had the Chicken Pox shot, make sure they've had 2 shots. We got the girls shots when they were recommending 1 not knowing they needed a 2nd shot. Catie had a 25% chance of getting it and she got it, maybe she should play the lottery with those odds (lol).

If you have a child with the chicken pox and need some remedies to help them survive, please don't hesistate to ask.

TTFN - I'll be back with pictures of Christmas another time.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a way to spend Christmas holidays!!!

Anne said...

I sure hope you only get one go-around...and your kids don't start 'sharing'!

Don't tell her...but I had Chicken Pox THREE times growing up. A weak immunity I guess. I'm sure you are good with the actual spots and the shot. Happy New Year.

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

Okay totally small world!!! My husband, Tony (closet blogger), told me that I knew the Suzy who commented on my blog (which I was giddy about). He reminded me of going to a hockey game with you last year.

There are definitely times when those graveyard shifts come in handy.

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

P.S. I read your profile and I am also COMPLETELY obessed with saving money on groceries.